"Fishtopia" represents FCF's vision in parallel
with the larger global endeavor to support the sustainability of fisheries.

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According to United Nations statistics, the total volume of seafood production exceeded 179 million MT, reaching an all- time record in 2018. Although the most growth is from aquaculture, sustainable and effective capture fisheries management is still critical to maintain healthy fish stock.

As one of the most consumed seafood products worldwide, tuna is a vital source of protein for food security and a major contributor to the economies of numerous countries.

FCF is extensively engaged with tuna capture fisheries around the globe, partaking in the raw material trading of skipjack, yellowfin, bigeye, and albacore tuna. FCF realizes that there is more to be done, so it formed the Task Force Team in 2012 and the team is under the direct management of the President of FCF to undertake various sustainability and social responsibility programs.


FCF is facilitating Fisheries Improvement Projects (FIP) or Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certifications across all oceans, and supporting scientific-based best conservation and management practices to reach a viable balance between commercial interests and marine conservation.


Traceability is one of the most important components in ensuring fishery sustainability. It enhances the company’s transparency as well as internal management systems, which ultimately deters IUU fishing from appearing in the supply chain.

FCF Sustainability Program (FSP) has been recognized by Bureau Veritas, making sure that FSP is well managed and recorded from the fishing set to delivery.

FCF’s traceability system includes a comprehensive JDE system that applies to all the business units and accounting department.

FCF has joined Global Dialogue On Seafood Traceability to ensure end-market that most of FCF’s fisheries products are legally sourced.


FCF has been advocating for human rights throughout the fishing industry since 2017, to ensure fair treatment, as well as workplace health and safety at sea for the crew members who harvest the fish that support our supply chain. With more than two years of preparation, FCF restructured its Social Responsibility Program (SRP) with innovative tools and technology supporting the implementation. The program is based on the Seafood Task Force Code of Conduct and industry-accepted principles.





Social Improvement

There are various small programs under the structure of SRP to address specific areas requiring improvements for human rights at seas. For example, Social Evaluation Program (SEP), Worker’s Voice Program (WVP) and Responsible Recruitment Program (RRP).

Since May 2021, FCF introduced a new management strategy, that improves the company operations both internally and externally, via formal corrective actions to address human rights issues for those crew members working at sea.

The social improvement model has four elements: 
Engagement, Capacity Building, Correction, and Monitoring.

Internal Efforts

External Efforts

· Business Units
· Business Units
· Fishing Company
· Introducing Systematic Documental Management Procedure
· Program Expansion
· Restructure Organization and Implementation
· Independent External Experts
· Social Audit Program of 3 Years a Cycle
· Corrective Action Plan
Training Programs
· Fishing Company
· The Authority
· Recruitment Agencies
· Other stakeholders (NGOs)
Information Sharing
Project Weekly Update
Workers’ Voice
Periodic Review of the SRP
Responsible Recruitment Program
Conversation, Site Visits, Info Exchange
Holding workshops
Raise the Awaireness
Holding workshops

Social Evaluation Project

Identify labor issues on the fishing vessel via systematic social auditing approach.

Actively participate in working groups to align the industrial best practices and common solutions for fair treatment and human rights of crew on board.

Worker's Voice Project

Structuring a risk-management system that enables FCF and its suppliers to improve Health & Safety and Human rights on board fishing boat.

Create improved recruiting procedures that are fair, transparent, and verifiable and protect crew member rights.

FCF Milestone in Sustainability

2013  Started to Supply FOS Certified Tuna

2016  Initiated FCF Sustainability Program (FSP) with BV Recognition

2017  Commenced Social Responsibility Program

2018  Granted MSC Fishery and Group CoC Certificates of Purse Seine Fishery

2019  Ranked 11 out of 30 in WBA Seafood Stewardship Index

2020  Conducted 4 Workshops for Tuna Sustainability

2021  Restructured Social Responsibility Program (SRP)

2021  Initiated "Worker's Voice Program", "Responsible Recruitment Program" and

                     "Social Evaluation Program"

2021  Commenced 2 Tuna Longline Fishery MSC Assessments

2022  Two Of FCF's FIPs Improved From Ranking "C" To "A"

2021  Established Vessel Service & Governance Department and Developed A Supplier

                    Due Diligence Procedure

FCF will continue to provide the sustainable, socially responsible,
traceable and high quality seafood products to the customers
through its innovative and integrated supply chain solution platform.