FCF Injects New Momentum into Marine Sustainability: Assisting Supply Chain with Fishery Crew Onboarding Training

(Kaohsiung, Taiwan) April 10, 2024 – Recently, FCF Co., Ltd. (FCF) has taken proactive steps to enhance the environmental consciousness within its supply chain by providing friendly fishery training to several vessels in Mauritius. As part of FCF’s ESG development and supply chain improvement initiative, this endeavor aims to elevate the awareness of marine environmental conservation among fishery practitioners and foster a greater emphasis on biodiversity conservation and human rights issues.

FCF not only facilitates captain training for its supply chain fishery companies but also assists in documenting the crew onboarding process. The training program covers various crucial aspects, including imparting knowledge on maritime safety, identifying protected species, strategies for reducing bycatch, the importance of fishery environmental conservation, and the application of environmentally friendly fishing gear. This comprehensive approach enhances the crew’s understanding of fishing regulations, thereby mitigating the adverse impacts of the industry on marine ecosystems. Through a combination of hands-on training and knowledge transfer, crew members deepen their comprehension of relevant regulations while acquiring practical skills.

In addition to providing professional training content, FCF actively supports its supply chain partners in establishing effective onboard management systems to ensure compliance with domestic and international regulations and standards. Moreover, necessary documents such as policies, declarations, procedures, and training records are collected and retained. Furthermore, FCF’s supply chain offers relevant information, such as multilingual onboard operation regulations, posters identifying prohibited species catch, maritime safety awareness materials, and channels for grievance mechanism.

FCF remains committed to promoting environmentally friendly and sustainable development within the fishery industry by providing training resources to its supply chain. It aspires to disseminate sustainability awareness throughout the entire supply chain, enhancing the professionalism of the industry, and collectively making positive contributions to marine resource conservation.

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