2021 年 11 月


Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. (November 24, 2021)- FCF Co., Ltd. (FCF), one of the world’s largest marine products integrated supply chain service provider companies specializing in tuna, has joined the Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability (GDST) as formally announced on the GDST website. With more than 30 subsidiaries, fishing bases, and shipping agents around the world, FCF’s participation in …

世界最大鮪魚貿易公司加入水產品可追溯性全球對話(GDST) 閱讀更多 ”

為解決大西洋鮪延繩釣漁業的永續差距 最新漁業改善專案計畫啟動

Kaohsiung, Taiwan (November 22, 2021)- FCF Co., Ltd. (FCF), Bumble Bee Foods, and KangTai (Key Traceability Asia) have recently entered another Longline Fisheries Improvement Project (FIP)- entitled the: Atlantic Ocean tuna – longline (Bumble Bee/FCF) fishery (AO FIP) with the aim of meeting a rising global demand for sustainably certified. The AO FIP focuses on maintaining or recovering healthy longline …

為解決大西洋鮪延繩釣漁業的永續差距 最新漁業改善專案計畫啟動 閱讀更多 ”


Kaohsiung, Taiwan (November 15, 2021) – FCF Co., Ltd. (FCF) has recently introduced the Worker’s Voice Program (WVP) to the Squid and Saury fishing vessels that harvest Argentine Squid and Pacific Saury as major target species. FCF also carried out the orientation session to debrief how WVP works to the crew during the period of …

豐群協助魷魚暨秋刀魚漁船業者投入漁業社會責任 閱讀更多 ”