2021 年 10 月


Kaohsiung, Taiwan (October 28, 2021)- FCF Co., Ltd. (FCF) debuts its multi-party engagement workshop for recruitment agencies on October 28, 2021, to explore the potential working opportunities for improving the recruitment process of crew members in the distant water fisheries. “Forced labor” has recently become one of the topics frequently raised up by NGOs and …

豐群水產辦座談會邀請產官學公民團體集思廣益解決漁工勞權問題 閱讀更多 ”


FCF Co., Ltd., along with its partner organization The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan Seamen and Fishermen’s Service Center (PCTSFSC) and committed supply chain vessel owners, undertook site visits of longline and purse seine fishing vessels at port of Kaohsiung as part of the on-going effort to implement the novel “Worker’s Voice” Program. With this site …

豐群水產持續推動漁工之聲計畫 閱讀更多 ”